EndurACE Menus
EndurACE Menus
When durability is needed, choose EndurACE Menus. Comprised of synthetic materials that make it waterproof and ultra-resilient, this 10pt stock thrives in conditions standard paper can’t. Built for long-lasting use, EndurACE is ideal for your customers in situations where liquid, food, or outdoor elements are a factor.
- Sizes: 5.5" x 17", 11" x 17"
- Stock Types: 10PT EnduraACE
- Color: 4/0, 4/1, 4/4
- Folding: Score & Z Fold, Score and Fold in Half, Score and Tri-Fold, No Scoring & Folding
- Coating No Coating
- Run Size: 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000